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James Johnson
Associate Professor
Office: ART 232Phone: 250.807.9391
Email: ja.johnson@ubc.ca

Research Summary
Labour economics and the economics of education.
Courses & Teaching
Empirical economics; methods of empirical research.
I am an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of British Columbia. Prior to my appointment here I held academic appointments at Wilfrid Laurier University, McMaster University, and the University of Saskatchewan. My primary research interests are broadly in the areas of industrial relations, discrimination, and the economics of education.
Jim Johnson’s Research Website
PhD McMaster University
Selected Publications & Presentations
Allan, L. J., J.A. Johnson, & S. D. Emerson (2014). The role of individual difference variables in ageism. Personality and Individual Differences. 59, 32-37.
Emerson, S.D., L.J. Allan & J.A. Johnson (2013) La nature de l’âgisme chez les jeunes adultes: accent sur les différences individuelles. la Revue Vie et Vieillissement, 11(1), 5 – 11.
Allan, L.J. and J.A. Johnson (2009) “Undergraduate Attitudes toward the Elderly: The Role of Knowledge, Contact and Aging Anxiety.” Educational Gerontology, 35, 1 -14.
Johnson, J.A. and R.D. Kneebone (1993) “Wage Flexibility and Cyclical Unemployment in Canadian Provinces.” Canadian Journal of Regional Science, 16, 1-19.
Johnson, J.A. and R.D. Kneebone (1991) “Deriving Natural Rates of Unemployment for Sub-National Regions: The Case of Canadian Provinces.” Applied Economics, 23, 1305-1314.
Johnson, J.A. and R.D. Kneebone (1989) “Determinants of Aggregate Employment in Canadian Provinces.” Canadian Journal of Regional Science, 12, 207-222.
Johnson, J.A. “A guide to statistics” in Burgoyne, D. and R. Gooding (eds.) “Research Now: Contemporary Writing in the Disciplines” Broadview press, 2018.
Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees
Provincial Academic Service
Past President of the Confederation of Faculty Associations of British Columbia.
UBCO Academic Service
I am currently a joint faculties senator on the Okanagan Senate, a member of the Senate Academic Policy Committee and the Chair of the Okanagan Faculty Committee.
UBC Academic Service
I am a member of the UBCFA Executive Committee and a member of the UBCFA Bargaining Preparation Committee, and the chief negotiator for the UBCFA bargaining team.